To download the free 30 page guide to fight sponsorships, enter your information below.

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The Fighter's Sponsorship Guide will give you proven techniques to approach sponsors.  You will learn to:

Build your own personal brand to appeal to sponsors

Understand what sponsors are looking for in fighters

Approach sponsors and ask for spnsorship


Human Weapon in the wild!

Robert Follis (Trainer @ Xtreme Couture) & Miesha "Cupcake" Tate (UFC Champion)

Alex "Bruce Leeroy" Caceres (UFC Fighter and The Ultimate Fighter: Team Georges St-Pierre)

Amanda "Lioness" Nunes (UFC Champion)

Ryan "Darth" Bader (The Ultimate Fighter & Bellator Title Contender)

Chris "MMA Yogi" Haynes (Yogi and MMA Fighter)

Reiss Bailey (European BJJ Competitior and medal winner)

Sizing Chart
Men's Body Length 27.5 - 28 28.5 - 29 29.5 - 30 30.5 - 31 31.5 - 32
Men's Chest 36 - 36 39 - 41 42 - 44 45 - 48 49 - 52
Women's Body Length 25.375 - 26.5 26 - 27 26.5 - 27.5 27 - 28.5 27.5 - 28.5
Women's Chest 29.5 - 32.5 31.5 - 34.5 33.5 - 36.5 36.5 - 39.5 39.5 - 42.5